Great! This week I have prepared a short video for you and it has to do with springtime.
I hope you enjoy the shots of flowers, colors and also learn some German with the romantic poem.
Enjoy my tip for Spring, especially if you come from a warm country!
I also want to thank Mr. Pauliphysics, who helped with the voice over. <3
Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, like the video and share it on every social account that you can!
Thanks my dear humanoid gigabyte!
Er ist’s
by Eduard Mörike
Frühling läßt sein blaues Band (Spring lets its blue ribbon)
wieder flattern durch die Lüfte; (once again flutter through the airs;)
süße, wohlbekannte Düfte (sweet, well-known scents)
streifen ahnungsvoll das Land. (portentously streak the country.)
Veilchen träumen schon, (Violets already dream,)
wollen balde kommen. (want to come soon.)
Horch, von fern ein leiser Harfenton! (Listen, from far away a sweet harp!)
Frühling, ja du bist’s! (Spring, it’s you!)
Dich hab’ ich vernommen! (I’ve heard you!)